Pakar Elektrik rumah dan pejabat , Handyman Electrical , Tukang pemasangan lampu kipas dan plug , Pakar elektrik blackout dan trouble shoot , Electrical services - IBY ELECTRICAL 0176995893

Assalammualaikum and hello everyone..
New updates from us to everyone!!!
Tq fo always support us
Date : 10 January 2019
Location : Vicky bicycle sdn bhd , lot g , shop let , bandar bukit puchong 2, puchong , selangor darul Ehsan
Building Type : Shop let ( Office )
Job type : Elecktrical
Services Type : Maintenance
Title : Electrical work at bicycle shop let
Job description : This is new client , They having a problem when light lamp at store room is cannot on / use . They need Electrical contractor to do a small work for making the light is can use as usual
Job solution : We get this call from this client , we tell them about our term and price and when they agree , we deal with them , we come at they shop let for inspect the work . When we recognise the problem we tell them our scope of work, we do the work at that day , we do a new wiring for lamp light at store room and increase the power point at db box also we do change from t8 lamp to new lamp at kitchen area ( customer add the job ), we already solve they customer problem
P/s : This is new client , they already take our company services to be a permanent maintenance at they shop , because we are trusted contractor that they can trust , They already call others contractor when they finish they work and having a same problem the contractor didn't come, but we when we give a guarantee we come until our warranty expired ,anyone who need our service just call us at 0176995893
Job result : success
job period day : one day
client : chinese ( owner of this shop let )
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